small things that make my day better:

good night’s sleep
coffee that Zach made is even better
grandma's brooch
new earrings
victorian button boots
pincurls still going day 2
room is already clean
finally finding a new therapist

someone likes my cape
librarian knows my name
practice room is free

good cry in voice lesson
new Philip Glass piece in choir

yummy leftovers waiting in the fridge
another person likes my cape
Zach picks me up to save me from local deer
lipstick didn't come off under mask

closing the velvet curtains I sewed
funny meme in the sibling chat
yelling at the Count for making Renée Fleming cry

the freedom of taking out 100 bobby pins
comfy pj's
mandatory 9:00 evening cuddles
my beloved silk pillowcase

falling into bed after a long good day

-1 December 2022